Employee Incentives That Boost Productivity

Jobs on construction sites or in field service are extremely labor intensive. Construction workers and field technicians are often forced to deal with tight deadlines and high stress situations. In some cases, a career in construction can cause a significant mental and physical strain on an individual, affecting their motivation. In order for construction projects and service calls to be completed, a highly-motivated and focused staff is needed. Although it is impossible to force individuals to remain extremely motivated, there are certain strategies that project and service managers can utilize to boost productivity and reward employees for their hard work.
There are many ways managers can incentivize and motivate their staff. One of the most effective ways to promote a sense of responsibility among employees is to assess your managerial style, and make necessary adjustments to avoid micro-management. The more trust an employee is given, the more accountable they will feel about their work. Give workers autonomy and freedom, but be clear about what specific tasks and assignments need to be done. Micro-management can sometimes work negatively and diminish any motivation employees may have.
Another employee incentive strategy managers can offer is flexibility in work hours. Eliminating the traditional time card can offer construction workers a unique opportunity to become more productive workers. Allow employees to identify when they are most productive and create a schedule that is tailored to your specific team. Not only is this beneficial to the employee, but your business will also realize better results. Some people function well early in the day, while others function best in the afternoon. When managing your workforce, leverage your employee’s strengths to your company’s advantage. Have a record of specific employee schedules, and ensure they meet their total hours. Allowing for flexible schedules is also a way to avoid micro-managing and giving employees more independence. This newfound flexibility will allow workers to address other aspects of their lives and allow them to better balance home and work commitments.
It is also very important to recognize hard work. Simple gestures like monthly or weekly rewards can help boost morale and productivity. These can range from simple gift cards or an afternoon off work, and can even include your company’s bonus plan. Implementing an employee reward system will stand to benefit both employees and the business, by providing extra motivation needed, and to tap into many workers’ competitiveness. This not only provides short-term benefits to workers, but can also be a powerful retention strategy for businesses.
Lastly, as part of recognizing workers, managers should also realize that their employees are a collection of individuals with different ideals, traditions, work ethics, and interests. The best managers are the ones who are able to unify their employees through team-building or group exercises. This can help in increasing productivity among construction workers and can build camaraderie among employees. The company can organize team building group activities such as dinners, lunches, or by forming sports teams and entering in competitions. The more time employees spend together outside of work, the stronger their working and professional relationship will be. Going the extra mile and making an effort to bring all workers together will go a long way in your employee retention efforts.
There are many strategies that managers can employ to ensure the business remains productive and employees are kept happy. Simple things like talking to workers and asking for advice can also help find innovative ways to create incentives that will actually work. Each group of people is different and not all employee incentives will work for all groups. Taking the time to communicate and listen to employees’ ideas can be the first step in improving productivity and creating a loyal and happy workforce. For more managerial tips, find out how to improve communication and reduce distractions on jobsites and check out all our management articles.