
Make The Most Of Working With A Recruiter

It’s 6:00pm on a Wednesday evening and you’ve sent off your resume to 15 different companies today. Your inbox is now full with that ever familiar “Thank you for your interest in this position.  We will review your qualifications and be in touch should we feel you are a good fit.” Sigh, you file these responses away in your folder titled “job applications”, an abyss of generated messages from companies that never got in touch with you. There is a very good chance you are qualified for the position but your resume was never seen.
One of the biggest advantages to working with a recruiter is the ability to bypass the automated system and frequently gain exposure to unadvertised opportunities. Similarly your recruiter will have valuable insights about the companies you are applying to and will act as your personal advocate for the position.  We have compiled a few quick tips to help your job search process by making the most of working with a recruiter.
Make a good first impression: Whether you are reaching out to a recruiter or they have contacted you with an opportunity in mind, treat the conversation like an interview.  This is the person who will be promoting your skills and you want them to be confident you are a good fit.
Update your resume: Be sure your most recent experience and skills are always represented on your resume.  This will ensure you are being considered for positions that will best match your abilities.
Build a relationship:  Creating a long-term relationship with a recruiter will benefit your search process. Be active in your job search by giving real time feedback and stay in touch with your recruiter on a regular basis.  The better your recruiter knows you the more comfortable they will be advocating for you with the hiring organization.  It’s important to maintain the relationship for the future, not just while you are searching.  Share your knowledge of the industry and your network for anyone who might want to learn more about an opportunity your recruiter has available.
Open Communication: Be clear about your goals, past experiences, and salary requirements to maximize the effectiveness of the recruiters search. When you are sent out to an interview listen to the tips the recruiter gives about the company and request candid feedback when the interview is complete from your recruiter.  Share your insights about the process and anything you learned while on the interview.  Provide feedback to the recruiter on how they are working with you and if you are interested in targeting specific companies or industries.
Be Open Minded: Consider all of your options and do not rule out short term opportunities that could be beneficial to achieving your goals or lead to a permanent position.

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