A Reset for Construction: Processes

We are in the middle of a very short blog series, focusing on how to reset business—narrowing in on people and processes. Last week, we identified trends with our talent—and the importance of reskilling, upskilling, and leveraging technology in today’s turbulent market. Today’s let’s spotlight the importance of process.
IDC recently released a study that highlights nine pillars of the “future power enterprise” that will be crucial to transforming business, organization, and technology in Asia/Pacific—and in reading the report and trends, I believe that would also extend to other areas of the globe. These nine pillars include:
  1. Future of the industry ecosystem
  2. Future of operations
  3. Future of work
  4. Future of intelligence
  5. Future of digital infrastructure
  6. Future of connectedness
  7. Future of customers and consumers
  8. Future of digital innovation
  9. Future of trust
Naturally, there is quite a bit of overlap in some of these categories, but they paint a good picture of key areas of focus for the future enterprise. Narrowing in a bit, IDC suggests transforming three key areas: the business, the organization, and technology. Let’s dig in.
A company must focus on the fundamental changes at the business level that will involve bringing together the future of customers, digital innovation, and industry ecosystems. It must also entail organizational changes required to enable digital capabilities and build the digital-centric platform of the business, bringing together the future of operations and work.
And then there is the technology itself. Companies need new technological capabilities and digitalization across the business to bring together the future of connectedness, intelligence, and infrastructure.
In all of this, business need to be agile, flexible, reliable, and resilient. As Peggy Smedley says, the pace of change is only going to pick up. We need to be prepared for how our business processes will change in the months ahead. Are you?